Using NLP to help people get out of their stuck state and into their desired state through an understanding, and shifting of, their mindsets.
Helping people understand what their specific patterns of thinking are and then utilizing the unique ways of each individuals’ way of thinking to create effective change in thoughts and behaviors.
Supporting children in learning about, and understanding, their emotions and how to navigate them in healthy ways.
Teaching children coping skills and creating toolboxes for taking on challenges in life.
Specifically for children who:
1) experience anxiety from school, friends, or family relationships,
2) who experience BIG emotions and don’t know how to cope with them,
3) for children who may struggle with self-acceptance, self-confidence, and understanding of self,
4) for children who may need support in learning, accepting, respecting, or establishing boundaries.
Supporting parents towards positive communication with their children, establishing healthy boundaries and working towards creating understanding and closeness between parent and child.
Can support parents in their role of best navigating their child’s anxiety, emotions, acceptance, and confidence.
Bi-Cultural Adults
Coaching that supports individuals who find themselves within or between cultures and may feel confused, torn, or uncertain about who they are.
Can support in creating clarity and strengthening self-identity, self-acceptance, and self-confidence.
Can support in bridging and uniting between cultures rather than disconnecting or pushing away these parts in oneself.